
Mom's Metabolic Master Plan

Your Blue Print To Better Energy, Fat Loss and Confidence

In this course, I am going to walk with you hand-in-hand, giving you the step-by-step process that you need in your life to lose fat, gain energy and regain confidence.

After taking this course, you'll go from feeling overwhelmed and confused about what you should be doing to reach your health goals, to feeling empowered, educated, and motivated to not only reach your goals, but to sustain your results for a life time. You will complete this course knowing exactly what you need to be doing and how you can implement these life changing habits into your life for a total transformation.

Before I tell you about this program, let's make sure you're a good fit!

You are right for Mom's Metabolic Master Plan if you're a mom who is tired of feeling confused, exhausted, and unmotivated when it comes to your health. You once felt confident in your skin, but kids have come along, life has gotten hectic and you woke up one day and realized that you are last and everyone else is first.

Mom's Metabolic Master Plan is for you if you want to stop trying to piece together different tid-bits of advice from who knows where, and you are ready for an easily digested blue print on exactly what you need to be focusing on & how you need to focus on it, in order to achieve transformed health that will leave you feeling empowered, confident, and in control (in all the good ways)!

If you are...

A busy mom who's tired of feeling overwhelmed and is ready to ditch confusion, diet fads and bad information and know exactly what you need to be doing to reach your health and wellness goals.

A busy mom who needs to reset & refocus on the basics of health that maybe you knew and practiced at one time, but life has gotten so busy that you need a program that is going to enable you to start fresh and see results.

A busy mom who is tired of having no energy because the demands of life leave you with no margin for what's truly important. You long for routine and healthy habits in your life that are going to help you to feel better, but you don't even know where to start.

A busy mom who is ready to shed fat & feel confident again, but you need a sustainable approach that you can maintain for the long haul.

Then you, my friend, are in the right place!

Mom's Metabolic Master Plan will give you all the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support that you need to completely revamp your health and get your metabolism burning in high gear for optimal energy and fat burn!

By the end of this course, you will have...

Gained confidence that you know exactly what to do with your nutrition to see results.

Experienced balance and ease with incorporating healthy habits into your life.

Increased your energy and decreased your stress.

A revamped metabolism that is working for you and not against you!

Less confusion around what it looks like to live a healthy lifestyle that enables you to feel energetic, confident, and proud!

Easy to apply strategies and frameworks that have become part of your daily routine and lifestyle.

Testimonials from real women, just like you!



Nutrition Client

"After taking Cissie's 6-week nutrition course, I lost 11 lbs. and 5 inches. Now I genuinely enjoy and feel equipped to choose healthier foods to fuel my body."



Nutrition Client

"Cissie's nutrition course restored hope in me that nutrition doesn't have to be complicated. Simple changes during the 4-week course allowed me to loose 3.5 lbs. of fat! I felt intimidated when I started the course, but Cissie met me with understanding & was completely non-judgmental in her teaching style. I felt safe to ask questions and she offered so much encouragement."


Lisa Ann

Nutrition Client

"When I took Cissie's 4-week nutrition course, I started off nervous but ended up encouraged and empowered. Empowered to not eat less and deprive my body, but rather to eat more of the right things and not to be afraid of food. I lost 5 lbs. of fat in the 4-week course."



Nutrition Client

Cissie has a heart to help women reach their nutritional goals. She genuinely cares about your health and really wants to work with you to help you achieve your goals. Her wealth of knowledge and coaching has truly helped me to know what I need to do on a daily basis to live a healthier and happier lifestyle in a realistic manner. No matter what your health goals are, Cissie will help you reach those achievable goals!"



Nutrition Client

"Cissie's 4-week nutrition course helped me to focus on bite sized goals weekly! Cissie's knowledge, relatability, and passion for nutrition are abundantly evident. The weekly focusses in her course were seamlessly implemented into my daily routine. I lost 10+ lbs. and gained significant knowledge & tools to improve my health!"



Nutrition Client

"As a mom, I needed a plan and she helped me to create a plan that was not overwhelming and that didn't cause disruption at home. She kept everything simple and left room for flexibility. She didn't demand perfection, just dedication and as a mom, I knew how to give that. I will always be thankful for her coaching in my life!"

What's Inside Mom's Metabolic Master Plan?

  • Module 1 Highlights:

    • a thorough breakdown on understanding your metabolism based on your genetics

    • instruction on how to correct a down-regulated metabolism due to chronic dieting

    • 4 key ways to optimize your metabolism for fat loss: we'll dive into what you should be eating, your exercise routine, drinking enough water, and building muscle

    • Pantry: your guide to cleaning out your fridge and pantry for optimal results

    • At the end of this module you'll have: a thorough understanding of what the metabolism is and how to make sure yours is functioning at optimal capacity- working for you, not against you!

  • Module 2 Highlights:

    • a thorough breakdown of protein, fat, and carbs- why you need each of these nutrient groups and the role that each ones plays in fat loss and optimal energy

    • instruction on how to balance your plate and portion sizes of each food group that can be easily adapted and followed in any situation- no matter where you are

    • At the end of this module, you'll have: a thorough understanding of what you need to be eating to fuel your body for fat loss and optimal energy. You will learn how to eat the foods you love, while fueling your body properly for fat loss and optimal energy. When following the method I teach in this module, you'll realize you can follow these guidelines anywhere: eating out, at Christmas dinner, or at a birthday party! It's that simple!

  • Module 3 Highlights:

    • a simple, fool-proof method on meal planning for busy moms

    • you'll receive my easy-peasy meal planner, meal ideas, and instruction on how to organize your time to make planning and prepping a priority

    • you'll learn how to efficiently plan meals so you can save time, money, and work on your health, all at the same time!

    • At the end of this module, you'll have: a thorough understanding of how simple meal planning and prepping can be. You'll have the tools you need to simplify this area of your life for optimal success in reaching your goals.

  • Module 4 Highlights:

    • a clear understanding of which types of exercise will work for you to achieve optimal health

    • the benefits of strength training, H.I.I.T. training and low impact movement on a middle-aged woman's body

    • instruction on how to add movement into your day, even if you're strapped for time and are just a beginner

    • At the end of this module, you'll have: a clear pathway forward on how to add movement into your day. You'll understand the importance of movement and how you can practically begin moving your body everyday, even with a busy and full life.

  • Module 5 Highlights:

    • a clear understanding of the importance of sleep and how this directly impacts your fat loss goals and cravings

    • a break down of how stress could be keeping you stagnant in your fat loss goals and how to overcome this with simple daily habits

    • a complete guide to reducing stress and improving your sleep

    • At the end of this module, you'll have: a step-by-step guide and immense understanding on how to revamp your sleep and reduce your stress for optimal results with fat loss and energy

  • Module 6 Highlights:

    • a love and appreciation for the process of getting healthy and staying healthy

    • challenging mindset focuses that will ensure your long-term success

    • healthy mindset tools that will enable you to keep the progress you've made over the 6 weeks, while continuing to progress in the weeks, months, and years to come!

Plus! You get these BONUSES included!

$218 value- yours for FREE when you sign up!

  • 2 Live Q & A Sessions with Cissie

  • Cissie's Smoothie Recipe Guide: 10 Healthy Recipes For Power Packed Smoothies!

  • Metabolism Unlocked: Your Guide to Understanding Your Metabolism Based On Your Genetics!

Plus you'll be backed by a Risk Free 14-Day Guarantee

I can understand the hesitancy to make a financial investment related to your health. You're mom. Budgets are tight and money has to be spent with intention in order to make ends meet for your family.

Because I realize this course is something you 100% need in your life, and I also understand living on a budget, I am offering a risk-free 14 day money back guarantee.

By the end of day 14, if you can show me proof that you have watched all lessons and modules, and completed the homework for modules 1 and 2, and you are still unconvinced that this program is right for you, you may email me with proof of your participation and completion of assigned homework, and I will issue you a refund.

All refund requests must be submitted by 4pm EST on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024.

I'm ready! How do I get started?

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm so busy, how am I going to have time to focus on this course?

I am intentionally releasing the modules for this course on Sunday mornings at 5am. As a mom, I know weeks get very busy, and weekends can be crazy, too! But in general, I've found that Sundays tend to be a slower "catch up" day for most families. With that in mind, I'm releasing each weekly module on Sundays so that you can carve out an hour or two each Sunday to watch the module for that week and get yourself organized for implementation in the week ahead.

Is this course geared towards younger moms? Can older moms/women join in?

First of all, if you take the course, you will hear certain language and phrases that are geared towards busy moms, who are juggling lots of things on their plates, while trying to be healthy. But, I'm also very aware that no matter what your age, you always have lots of things to juggle, while seeking to make your health a priority. I currently have several women enrolled in the course who are 50+, so if you're an older mom and you'd like to join- you'd be right at home! While I am not specifically addressing issues of menopausal and hormonal changes in this course, I can guarantee that no matter your age, mom or not, you will greatly benefit from the information, teaching and guidance in this course! I am teaching very basic principles, that every woman needs to know and practice, no matter her age!

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What if I don't need to lose fat, will this course help me?

Yes, of course! The principles and material that is taught in this course is not only for those looking to lose fat. It's for you if you are looking to increase your energy, feel better in your skin, and renew your vigor for life.

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Your Title Here

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How will the course work, schedule-wise?

The course will go LIVE starting Sunday, February 18th at 5am. Each Sunday morning (at 5am!), for the following 5 weeks you will receive a new module to continue guiding you on your transformational journey. The course lasts 6 weeks total, with a new module and homework being released weekly. You realistically will need to devote around 45 min-1 hour weekly to watch the videos and then 30 min-1 hour to work through the homework and apply it to your weekly schedule.

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What if I get behind in the course?

You are never "behind" in Mom's Metabolic Master Plan. When you buy the course, you have lifetime access to the videos and resources within the course. Though you are never behind, I do encourage you to stay as "on track" as possible through the six weeks as this will ensure that momentum is working for you & helping you to see optimal results! We will have 2 pre-scheduled Q&A sessions as well as a neat opportunity at the end of the course to continue on in a special coaching accountability group- so if you're tracking along, week-by-week with the course, you're sure to get optimal results!

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Does this course guarantee fat loss?

Because no two people are exactly the same, no program can ever guarantee fat loss, but here's what I can guarantee you: the principles, tools, and techniques that are taught in this course are 100% backed by up-to-date science. They have been tested and proved to bring about powerful and effective life transformation when implemented with consistency and patience. What I teach in this course is what I have actually used in the last 6 years of my own life, as I have been pregnant 4 times and have gained and lost baby weight 4 times back-to-back! Wow! Not only have I reaped the benefits of what I'm teaching in this course, but I have coached many women over the past 5 years to do the same- with wonderful results!

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I'm so unorganized, what if I make this investment and I still can't get myself together?

I can understand this. Finding routine is hard, especially when you have the chaos of work, kids, and all the family life drama in between! I understand the struggle because I am right there with you- as a busy mom who runs a business!! In this course, I simplify things so that each week you know exactly what you need to be focussing on and how you need to be focusing on it. I leave no room for guess work, so as long as you lean on me, and actually put forth the effort, I promise you you can't fail!

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I've tried diets and health programs before, how do I know yours works?

As a coach in the health industry for 5 years, I understand that balance is the key to longevity. That is why, in my program, I teach simple, yet powerful principles, that will yield long term success. This is NOT a diet program, but this IS a step-by-step blue print on what key areas need to be focused on in your life to give you the life and body that you desire and deserve!

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Will this course provide a line-by-line meal plan?

I'm so glad you asked! In short, no, Mom's Metabolic Master Plan will not provide a line-by-line meal plan, but what it will provide is so much better than that! As the saying goes, "You give a man a fish, you feed him for a moment. You teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." In this course, I am going to be teaching you how to FISH! I will be showing YOU exactly how to make a meal plan for yourself, using the foods you already like and already know how to cook! So once you are done with this course, you will know exactly what to do for yourself to be successful with your nutrition both now and in the years to come!

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A Note from Cissie...

Signing up for a nutrition and wellness course is not magic.

Trust me, after the countless women I've coached, I have wished many times that I could wave a magic wand and fix their schedules, their mindsets and their limiting factors that make prioritizing their health so hard to do.

There is no magic wand. But, as long as you sit on the fence and wish for better health, renewed energy, and the ability to look and feel your best, yet you are unwilling to take the steps to make those changes, I have to be honest and say that you should not expect anything to change.

As the old saying goes, "If nothing changes, nothing will change."

So, my appeal to you is this: What are you waiting for? It's time to make this bet on yourself! You are worth the investment! Those who need you most and love you most are counting on you to be at your best and prioritizing your health is one of the #1 ways you can do just that!

If you're ready, click the button below! I can't wait to see you inside

Mom's Metabolic Master Plan!
